Where is the Town Hall located?
503 Dr. Donnie H. Jones Blvd West
Princeton, North Carolina 27569
What is the mailing address for the Town Hall?
PO Box 67
Princeton, North Carolina 27569
What are your business hours of operation?
Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
What is the population of Princeton?
Approximately 1,203 people. For more information consult the U. S. Census website at www.factfinder.census.gov.
When does the town board meet?
Normally the board meets on the first Monday of the month at 7pm at the town hall. The public is invited to attend the meetings.
What is the telephone number for the Princeton Post Office?
Is it legal to burn trash in the city limits of Princeton?
No. The town has an ordinance against burning in city limits.
Where do I call for electrical service for my residence or business?
Duke Energy provides electricity for this area. You must call their customer service center at 1-800-452-2777 Monday – Friday from 7am-9pm or reach them on their website at www.duke-energy.com.
How do I apply for water service?
You must come by the town hall and fill out an application for service. Turn on should be requested no later than 4:00pm on the day you want service to start.
How much does it cost to turn on water service to my residence?
New service for residential units is $180.00. This includes a $40.00 non-refundable administrative fee and a $140.00 deposit.
Can the service deposit be lowered?
Yes. If you can provide a letter of credit from one of your recent utility accounts (water, electric, gas) stating that you have had no more than one late payment, no disconnections for non-payment and no returned checks in the past 12 months, then your deposit can then be lowered to $70.00. The $40.00 non-refundable administrative fee is still applicable.
What is the average utility bill?
For a family of four the average utility bill would be $109.86. We estimate that a four-person household uses 5,000 gallons of water per month. Services included in the bill are water, sewer and garbage pick-up.
What forms of payment does the town of Princeton accept?
Currently our methods of payment in office are cash, check, or money order. We also offer automatic bank drafting for your account. You must fill out an authorization form and provide a voided check for this method of payment. You will still receive your monthly bill through the mail and it will state when the next bank draft will be effective. Return checks written on your account are subject to a $25.00 service charge.
Do you have a drop box for utility payments?
Yes, we have a drop box located on the right side of our building. Remember, payments dropped off after duty hours are posted the next workday and are subject to penalties if that date is after the due date of the bill.
Can I turn my water on/off myself?
No, town water meters can only be turned on or off or serviced by our water department. Tampering with a meter in any way is a misdemeanor and carries a fine. Please call the town hall with any questions concerning your meter.
Who do I call concerning garbage or recycling pickup?
The Princeton Town Hall at (919) 936-8171.
What should I do if I suspect a leak or broken water line?
Call (919) 936-8171. We will send someone out to check the water line. If the leak or break is on the town side of the line the town will fix it. If a leak is located after the water passes through the meter, it is the responsibility of the customer to have the leak repaired. After having the leak repaired, call us so that we can verify that there are no more leaks.
How can I reduce my water use?
Check your home to ensure you don’t have any leaks. You can also install low-flow shower heads and facets in your home. One should also practice conservation measures. You may research tips on www.H2Ouse.org.
Where do I call after hours for a water or sewer emergency?
After hours please call (919) 936-8171 and follow the prompts for reporting an emergency situation.