Public Library
The Princeton Public Library is located at 106 N. Center St. Aside from books and other reading material, the library offers public access internet and a Career Center with access to JobLink. The Princeton Public Library also participates in Open Library, an eBook lending program. Don't see what you're looking for? Check for it on Open Library or request the material from another Johnston County library through the local library!
Mission Statement:
"The Princeton Area Library Supporters believe that all people should have access to quality literature; therefore, we are committed and in support of our public library for all citizens of Princeton and its surrounding area."
We have many new and exciting events planned! Visit the Events section to the left to see current and upcoming events.
"The Princeton Area Library Supporters believe that all people should have access to quality literature; therefore, we are committed and in support of our public library for all citizens of Princeton and its surrounding area."
We have many new and exciting events planned! Visit the Events section to the left to see current and upcoming events.
Join our book club! The Princeton Public Library Book Club meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7 pm in the library. Come and fellowship with friends and discuss the book of the month. See the Events section for more details.
"He that loves reading has everything within his reach."
-William Godwin
-William Godwin